Friday, May 1, 2020

Ha post #1

DAY 1 post 1 of  365

Hey everybody thanks for swinging by our blog my name is Jesse and my wife's name is Sarah and we live in Southern California here and just to give you a little introduction on who we are and why we decided to start a blog and A Facebook page YouTube page podcast you know just all that kind of stuff is, well I'll get into all that below but first to give you just a little introduction background on who we are.

We're originally from Pacific Northwest we've been here in southern California for about 6 years, me and my wife have been together for almost 14 years now and we're going to be celebrating our 11th year of marriage coming up this year we have three children all boys under the age of 6 so we have a busy household.


 We both have full time jobs my wife's a nurse I'm in sales in the solar industry and then also working on building our own company from home as well, I just converted part of our walk-in closet during quarantine life into an office built a big desk and that's what this blog is part of so that's what you're going to get to learn more about is why we're here. Anyways go ahead and continue reading on again I just want to say thanks for stopping by we are looking forward to getting to know everybody as they come through here, looking forward to building relationships and new connections and just seeing where this goes.

Our ultimate goal at the end of the day when this is all said and done is to be able to impact people's lives, by adding a tremendous amount of value to people, and ultimately when we kick the bucket at the end of our lives and we pass things onto our children the next generation we want to be able to walk away from this knowing that we were able to leave a legacy to them that was able to touch and impact millions of lives and be able to change the world for the better.  Simply put we have the desire and the will to be our childrens heroes, just as you all have that same ability.  So thank you guys read on a little bit more to kind of get to know us a bit more.   PS. Forgive the grammar issues, me Jesse will do most of the writing haha!

Thats about what I typically look like on a dada day

Sarah and I we've always had a calling in our life to be able to make an impact in people's lives in a big big way and being in quarantine life the last couple of months or whatever however long it's been going on now we have really Uprooted my life, I was doing door to door sales for the solar industry and now I am strictly home based whereas before I was driving all over the state.

I spent a lot of time away from the house and I've been wanting for a long time to work from home I've been wanting for a really really long time to be a stay at home dad and stuff like that and now that I'm here it's just it's been amazing you know I've had so much more time to adapt to our way of life here at the house so that I have become more of a part of the house in a way that helping keep it more clean and organized and lightening the load for my wife so it's just,  it's been amazing it's been a super super big blessing.

So anyways not to make this blog post too long for the first one but you know the main reason that we're here you know is that i put a challenge out for myself to do a Facebook live every single day for 365 days alongside with you know I'm going to be doing blog post I don't know if I'll keep up with the blog post every single day like that but the Facebook live at minimum also going to be learning podcasts youtubing outside of my job and outside of my wife's job is just learning the whole online marketing and branding and just the whole purpose is to be able to bring everything that we hold dear in life to the world.  Things like God marriage kids family health wealth prosperity business parenting finances budgeting mentoring coaching philanthropy etc…

I can literally go on and on with the dreams and desires we have to make a massive impact in this world for the better and to truly help people change their lives.  In order to do all of that we have to start from the bottom, we have this little family that we've built and we're just a couple of average people with an average family that haven't really done a whole lot in life and we're gonna go reach for that extraordinary gonna go from ordinary to extraordinary like John Maxwell talks about,   to go from ordinary to extraordinary it's just that little extra and that's what we're going to do on a daily consistent basis it ain't going to happen overnight   but all overnight successes typically take 10 plus years just most of the time you don't see the previous ten years.

So stay tuned hang out and watch, jump on the journey with us, you're gonna see the UPS the downs the twists and turns as we learn and grow and develop businesses things are going to fail we're going to fall on our faces you're gonna see it all it's gonna be amazing and it's going to give you hope and it's going to give you the permission to go do it yourself because you have every capability to go build and design your life the way you want it to be by the definition of whats written in your heart,  and know that you never have to settle that you can be the BEST version of yourself and if you've already achieved that then that's awesome but if you are not your best self yet,   and you want to become the best version of yourself then start getting plugged into people that are doing that very thing and figure it out with them.
All right guys looking forward to getting to know y'all take care.

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